LOCKSSerio-Us LocksREFUSE TRUCKSLoadmaster, E-Z PackNew Way and G-S Products
LOCKSSerio-Us LocksREFUSE TRUCKSLoadmaster, E-Z PackNew Way and G-S Products
From your trash and recycling haulers to your neighbors and everyone you connect with on your social networks, we want you to tell everyone about Pink Carts and help them turn their streets Pink on trash day. By supporting this, we hope you feel empowered and equipped to advocate this program. Your efforts will help convince your friends, family and your trash and recycling haulers to line the curbs of your neighborhoods with Pink Carts and make an even bigger impact in our efforts to Kick Breast Cancer to the Curb.
Cascade Cart Solutions offers The Pink Cart in three sizes (35-gallon, 64-gallon, and 96-gallon). Various sizes are offered by A/J Equipment Repair and retail stores across the country and all three sizes are available for purchase. If you have any questions about how to get your Pink Cart, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-354-5623.